Boys’ Hostel
A clean and beautifully built Boys’ hostel is there inside the campus. The hostel has a capacity to accommodate 30 students. These 30 seats are divided amongst the B.Tech students of 4 years. So, approximately 7-8 students from each year of study are there in the hostel. An elegant common room is there for socializing.
The College has given the charge of Hostel Superintendent to a faculty of the institute, Dr. Partha Haldar to manage the day to day affairs of the hostels.
Selection Procedure:
- Applications are invited from students.
- The details provided by the student are checked thoroughly. In case of any false declaration, the authority has the right to discard the application.
- The selection list is prepared giving priority on two parameters, family income and distance of the college from the applicant’s home. First, a normalization (mathematical tool) process is done on the income and distance and finally, 50% weightage on both family income and distance are given.
- Relation between selection parameters:
- Lower is the family income higher is the chance of selection in the hostel
- Higher the distance of the college from the applicant’s home higher is the chance of selection in the hostel
- The mess is managed by the students.